Add and manage approval reviewers in workflow builder


Approval reviewers in a custom workflow state are managed by editing the approval using the workflow builder visual editor in the space settings document management dashboard.


Use the editor to add an approval or edit an existing approval name and a range of attributes including

  • Reviewers - set the approval behavior for how one or more users can undertake a review

  • Minimum approvals - set the minimum number of approvals by reviewers required for the approval to be complete

Advanced options include

  • Credentials - set the requirement for a user to authenticate using an e-signature before they can undertake the approval

Accessing the approval editor

For a custom workflow in the space settings document management dashboard

  • choose the Edit with Visual Builder icon to open the workflow builder visual editor

In the visual editor

  • select the state with the approval

  • choose Approvals in the state editor to display the current approvals in the state

  • choose the approval name to open the approval editor

The approval editor is used to edit the approval name and a range of approval attributes.

Select one of the reviewer settings options to set how the reviewers are assigned for an approval.


Reviewers for the approval can be configured as follows:

Only one reviewer decision is required to complete the approval.

Only assigned users can undertake the approval. Until a user is assigned anyone can undertake the review.

reviewers are assigned on the transition into the workflow state with the approval. No other users can review.

All assigned reviewers must agree on an approval decision to complete the approval. The Minimum approvals option in the approval editor can be used to set the number of reviewer decisions required to complete an approval and may be less than the number of assigned reviewers.

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