Dataplane Administration

Dataplane Administration

A number of global Dataplane settings can be configured by Jira administrators.

To access these settings, locate the main Jira navigation bar and navigate to Dataplane Reports → Administration. This will take you to the Manage apps tab within Jira Administration.

If your Jira instance has many top-level navigation items available, the Dataplane Reports option may be displayed underneath a "More" option in the main navigation bar.

Before being permitted access to Dataplane Administration, Jira will prompt you to enter your password again to begin a WebSudo session.

In the left sidebar of Jira's Manage apps page are links to the Dataplane Reports Administration pages.

The Dataplane Reports Administration pages include:

Get startedHelpful resources for administrators new to Dataplane.
ConfigurationMain application configuration options, including control of the Dataplane indexer, app access permissions, Customizer Scripts access permissions, default report sharing options, and app logging.
SupportDataplane Reports support information and related support features.
Dataplane LabsSettings for experimental features that can be optionally enabled.

Initial Configuration

After installing Dataplane for the first time, administrators should start on the Configuration page to build the Dataplane index.

Page Contents