Quick Start Guide
David Goldstein
Christie Gera
Dataplane Reports is a sophisticated reporting tool that will give you entirely new insights into the projects and programs you manage within Jira.
If you are eager to start analyzing Jira data, here is a quick overview of the product to get you off and running.
There are two main screens you'll use in Dataplane:
- the Reports directory for creating new and selecting user-saved reports, and
- the report page for configuring and running an individual report.
The Reports Directory
To get to the Reports directory, click on Dataplane Reports » Reports from Jira's top-level navigation bar.
Creating a New Report
To create a new report, click on the New Report button in the left sidebar of the Reports directory. By default, clicking New Report shows all of the dozens of built-in reports in Dataplane Reports. Under the New Report button you'll see a number of report categories, which allows you to refine your view of available reports.
To select an individual report to work with, click on the large Select button for that report.
Report Configuration
After clicking the Select button for a specific report, you will be taken to the configuration page for the report:
On the report configuration page, try modifying some of the standard configuration options for the report such as selecting:
- the reporting Time Period, or alternatively a specific Start Date and End Date
- the time Interval of interest for the report data, such as daily, weekly or monthly data
- issue Search options – what projects, project categories or predefined Jira filters to include in the report
Running Your Report
After selecting the appropriate configuration options for your report, click Run Report to have Dataplane Reports generate report results.
Dataplane will display the results in chart and/or data table form, depending upon the type of report selected.
Modifying the Report Configuration
To make changes to the current report options, click on the Configuration tab to return to the main report options. Make your changes, and then click on the Run Report button to generate new results.
Viewing Report Results Data
To see the table of data underlying the report results, click on the Data tab in the report navigation bar. To quickly find data of particular interest, use the Search box above the table or click on table column headings to sort the table by numeric, text or date values.
You can quickly flip back and forth between the underlying results data and the chart by clicking between the Report and Data navigation tabs.
Exporting Report Results
Dataplane Reports gives you fast export of your report results in PDF, Excel spreadsheet and CSV file formats. To export your report results, click on the Export button and select your desired format from the drop down menu.
Saving Your Report
In Dataplane Reports, all reports may be saved to allow them to be easily re-run, placed on Jira dashboards, and shared with colleagues.
Click the Save As... button to save a copy of the currently-selected report options. When saving a report, you're asked to give it a report name, a more verbose description, and specify a list of Jira groups or project users with whom the report should be shared.
Viewing the List of Saved Reports
From the main Reports directory, you can view all of your saved reports by clicking on the My Reports navigation tab in the left sidebar under Saved Reports.
To see what reports other users have shared with you, click on the Shared With Me tab in the left sidebar. Similarly if you have shared any reports with other Jira users, those reports will automatically appear in their Reports directories.
The All Reports tab shows all saved reports that you have access too, including both your own saved reports as well as reports other users have shared with you.
Working with Saved Reports
Dataplane Reports makes it incredibly easy to re-run any saved report. To do so, just click on the report name in the list of saved reports.
Whenever re-running a report, Dataplane Reports always generates up-to-date results based on the latest Jira data. So if you configured your report with a relative time period such as Last 3 Months, for instance, the results will always be based on that trailing time period as of the moment you re-run the report.

To jump right to changing the configuration options for a saved report, click on the toolgear icon at the very right of the list item for that report, and from the drop-down menu select Configure.
Marking Favorite Reports
For quick access to key reports you use frequently, mark those reports as favorites by clicking the star icon next to the report names in the list of saved reports. Reports marked as favorites appear under the special Favorites category of saved reports, selectable from the left sidebar.
You can mark any saved report as a favorite, whether one of your own reports or a report shared with you by another user.

Subscribing to Reports
Followup Reading
This was just a quick introduction to Dataplane Reports, but you now have enough context to start generating interesting metrics for your teams.
Happy slicing and dicing!
When you're ready to learn how to get the most out of Dataplane Reports, continue your reading with these resources:
User Guide – The complete guide to Dataplane Reports, from basics to power user features.
Reports Guide – An encyclopedia of the dozens of built-in reports within Dataplane Reports, including how and when to use each.
Solutions Guide: how to apply the dozens of built-in reports to get at common program, project and team metrics.
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