Full backlog is not visible in the Agile Poker session


When creating an Agile Poker session, the full Jira backlog is not displayed, instead none or less issues are available.


For backlog issues to be visible in the Agile Poker session, we need to ensure the issues meet the following conditions.

  1. The estimation field is available in the issue screens.

    1. Go to the screen scheme configuration and check if the estimation field exists. If not, add the field.




    2. Confirm that the estimation field can be seen from the issue view. If not, go to the global custom field configuration, look for the estimation field, click on ‘Context and default value,’ and ensure the field context applies to the desired issue types and projects.


  2. Filters are not applied to the Jira backlog

    1. Filters like epic, version, and other quick filters can affect the visibility of the issues in the Agile Poker session.


  3. Issues are not in the DONE status category.

    1. If the issues are part of the done status category, they won’t be visible in the backlog neither in the Agile Poker session.



  4. Enable epics and subtasks.

    1. If epics and subtasks are needed in the Agile Poker session, the ‘Issue types’ options should be enabled.


If there are specific issues that are not visible in the backlog, these can be filter directly to confirm it is part of the scope.