Agile Poker | Impacts of unsubscribing plugins


 What will be the impact should customer unsubscribe Agile Poker plugins

Instance : Agile Poker - Cloud

Issue : Queries of unsubscribe impact, where the Customer concerns on the data, will it be retained for a period .

Answer :

  1. As per the standard process, the data will persist in the system even if a customer unsubscribed.

  2. Consequently, the customer can re-subscribe to the application, and their previous sessions will reappear in the system.

  3. There is no specific grace period dictating when the customer must re-subscribe; they have the flexibility to do so at any time.

All subscriptions work as per the Atlassian model, as per described here :

 Specifically for the data concern, :

Data retention

Your products will be deactivated 15 days after the end of your current subscription period. Atlassian retains data for deactivated products for 15 days for trial sites or 60 days for Free, Standard, or Premium subscriptions after the end of your current subscription period.

Following this deactivation period, your product data will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

Atlassian will not delete any data that's stored in the Google Apps Marketplace, such as users or information in your Google Apps database, Google Docs, Gmail messages, Google Calendar entries, Google Chat, or Google Sites.

Best Practices :

Customer can try Cloud Premium free trial as per described in Try Cloud Premium before choosing to pay for it , to test things out before making decision on subscribing.