Project Configurator for Jira - Troubleshooting the validation error received during project import.


When importing a project using Project Configurator for Jira (PCJ) app, the import stops due to a validation error.

WARN 11:00:56,968 The attachment '' does not exist at '/tmp/com.awnaba.projectconfigurator1493567880435/data/attachments/XXXXXXXXXXX'. It will not be imported. WARN 11:00:56,968 The attachment 'screenshot-1.png' does not exist at '/tmp/com.awnaba.projectconfigurator1493567880435/data/attachments/YYYYYYYYYYYY'. It will not be imported. WARN 11:00:56,968 The attachment 'screenshot-1.png' does not exist at '/tmp/com.awnaba.projectconfigurator1493567880435/data/attachments/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ'. It will not be imported. INFO 11:00:56,969 Project Import: Validation errors were found. The import cannot continue.


  1. This problem is usually caused by the value for a text field that exceeds the limit for maximum text field size at the destination.

  2. The maximum size for text fields should match in both the source and target instances, or the size in the target instance can be larger than in the source instance. Please refer to # 3 in the Matching properties of both instances section of Atlassian's Preparing for migrating projects page.

  3. On the Source and the Target Jira instance, navigate to Settings > System > General Configuration > Advanced Settings or go to “https://<your-jiraurl>/secure/admin/AdvancedApplicationProperties.jspa”

  4. Check the value of the “jira.text.field.character.limit” key; enter a value that matches or exceeds the source value in the target instance.

  5. After saving the changes, wait for some time and try to import again.

If you still see the same error, please re-install the Project Configurator app. This helped for few customers earlier.

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