PCJ-Error stating that The largest text field with length of XXXXX exceeds the allowed limit of XXXXX


If you receive an error stating that a text field exceeds the maximum limit allowed for text fields similar to the one shown below then this is a limitation of the built-in Jira Data import functionality which Project Configurator uses as it mandates that the text field limit configured in the instance being imported into must not be exceeded when importing issues.

The largest text field with length of XXXXX exceeds the allowed limit of XXXXX


In order to work around the issue with the text field limit then you will need to temporarily update the text field limit inside the target instance to be unlimited by setting the jira.text.field.character.limit advanced setting to have a value of 0, as described in the Atlassian article, Configuring Advanced Settings.

Once the issues have been imported then you can set the limit back to its original value after an import.