Auto-Reply to Customer When Agent does not respond in a period of time

Welcome to this article, where we'll guide you through setting up an automation rule that sends an automated response to customers when your agents are momentarily unavailable.

Use Case:

If no agent responds in two minutes, an automated reply would be sent to the customer saying, "We're sorry, but we are experiencing a larger than normal call volume. Please wait for the next available agent."

Steps to achieve this automation:

Create an automation rule:

  1. Navigate to your Project settings, scroll down, and select automation, click on Create Rule.
    Specify a condition where you wish to trigger a response like the one shown below:

Mention a JQL condition "Request Type" = "Chat" and lables= "created-from-chat" that checks if issues match the JQL, like this:

Add a comment that will appear as a response on the chat widget :

While you configure your automation, Don’t forget to make the Comment Visibility to Share with customer:

  1. Setting-up SLA: Navigate to SLAs from the left menu bar, Expand Time to respond, and edit the goal similar to:

After completing these steps, you're good to go!

Here is the final output:

Issue view:

Chat widget view: