How to customize currently unavailable messages in the Chat for Jira Service Management chat widget

This article explains how to customize the below message when all the chat agents are offline:

Sorry, we're currently unavailable. 😴 Leave a message and we'll get back to you soon.


This message appears when no agents are online, as depicted in the screenshot below. This message will not be displayed if at least one agent is online.

The message can be customized when all the agents are offline, like, "Hello how can we help you!”, as per your convenience.

Please follow the steps to customize the message.

Navigate to Cogwheel >> Apps >> on the left side panel, select >> Translate and Customize under Chat

In the search field, find Sorry, we're currently unavailable, and, type the text which you want and click on Save. Now, check it in the chat widget.

Here is the screenshot of how it looks after a customized message.