No transition exists to destination status


When trying to execute a follow-up transition, the system reports a "No transition exists to destination" message.


The first step to solving this issue is to review the post-function configuration and any other conditions added.

  • For this use case, the transition has two conditions. One allows only certain users to perform the transition, and the other only allows the addon-project-access role to perform this transition.

And the issue to be transitioned needed both conditions to be true.

  • When the follow-up transition is executed, it is executed using the JSU add-on.

  • Since the JSU user wasn't any of the users included in the conditions, the transition is hidden for the app, and the error is reported because one of the conditions is not true.

  • To fix the error, the condition can be deleted, or the transition can be configured to accept any conditions with true value.