Manage Dashboards

Manage Dashboards


From the main dashboards page, you can switch the Dark mode, Share internally or externally your dashboard, change the Access restriction Edit your dashboard layout, or perform several actions in the … More Actions menu.

You can manage your dashboards from either:

  • The dashboard selector, in the top left section of the navigation bar. You can access Manage Dashboards or create dashboard.




  • The … More Actions menu, in the top right section of the navigation bar. All the available options for your current dashboard (settings, delete, clone or export), create a new dashboard, handle datasources (add or manage existing datasources) or get help (Global help, Get Started, product news, support or book a demo).



Become an expert in dashboards, read Create, Edit, Clone, Delete and Export your Dashboard!

Manage dashboards

The Manage Dashboards screen is a better way to find and organize all your dashboards, starred your preferred ones, filter by the ones you created or can collaborate in, and have at a glance all the key information.

You’ll see a list of all the dashboards you have access (see Manage Permissions on Dashboards) with their name, owner (the creator), restrictions, if it’s publicly shared, the creation and last update date.


The … More actions menu in the last column has the following actions:

  • Dashboard settings where you can edit your dashboard’s details.

  • View dashboard that redirects you to the dashboard.

  • Clone dashboard to create a new dashboard with the same settings.

  • Delete dashboard to completely eliminate the dashboard.

Dashboard settings


Here you can edit the details of your dashboard: Name and description.


In the slideshow settings you can:

  • Set the the default time for the slides to advance to the next one.

  • Add more slides to the slideshow.

  • Reorder the slides.

  • Set the individual time for each slide to advance to the next one.

Tables in the JQL Custom Charts gadget auto scroll when the slideshow is playing, so viewers can see the content without interaction!

For that, enable “Enable automatic table scrolling when the slideshow is in play mode”


See Set Up a Slideshow for further information.

High Priority

High priority gadgets are intended for those use cases where the default refresh rate of 3 minutes (15 minutes in case of Opsgenie) is not enough, like strict SLAs in premium support for example.

Dashboard creators can select up to 2 gadgets to increase the refresh rate to 1 minute i.e., the gadget information will be updated every single minute.

A frequent refresh rate may result in performance degradation. We recommend reading each service provider rate limit policy!

Opsgenie applies a rate limiting to the API and integration requests.

The selected gadgets display a high priority icon to indicate that their refresh rate is more frequent than the rest.

See also


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