Preparing for Power Scripts Suite 7.x
Power Scripts 7.x was a huge effort adding more security and aiming to streamline operations and monitoring for those of you who run Jira in a cluster.
Java Version was increased to Java 17
What changed?
Binaries from version 7.x are incompatible with binaries from previous versions (6.x). Java 17 was used in development for Power Scripts 7.0.x, but keeping sources and generated bytecode to the Java 11 level.
What should you do to be prepared?
Check your Java version that is used to run Jira.
It is recommended to run Power Scripts Suite products with Java17. Java 11 will continue to be supported for Jira 9, however, Jira 10.0.0 uses by default Java17.
Security: system functions are disabled by default
What changed?
The system() functions serve as a valuable mechanism for integration at the operating system level. Unfortunately, this valuable mechanism for integration can also lead for the potential of misuse.