Off-Hours support
The HelpDesk + Slack integration enhances support accessibility by allowing users to create tickets, receive automated responses, and access knowledge base articles directly within Slack, even during non-business hours.
Off-hours support is available only on support channels.
You can set off hours behavior per channel.
You can specify on-hours (working day) times and days.
You can specify different ticket creation behaviors between both on and off-hours.
You can set a default auto-responder message to display regardless of on/off hours settings.
How to configure
/helpdesk configure
in your support channel.Click Configure to access that channel's settings.
Click the settings button near Off Hours Support.
Click the checkbox to enable off-hours support.
Set your team's working hours, time zone, and days. Off-hours support is active outside of these times/days.
You can add the message you want to send to your users.
(Optional) Configure support channel options for off-hours mode.