User Guide (Cloud)

This article will walk you through the following process:


Add Heading Numbering

The numbering is added to your page according to the mode that you have selected on the configuration page. For more information, see Configuration.

Automatic, but requires initial user action to enable on each page

To number the heading of the page, perform the following:

1. Click the toggle button at the top right corner. The heading number is automatically updated with the selected heading format.

2. Refresh the page to view the heading number.


Automatic, enabled for all pages by default

To number the heading of the page that you have created, simply refresh the page. The heading number is automatically updated with the selected heading format.

To bulk update pages with heading numbers or updated heading formatting, refer to Configuration.


Delete Heading Numbering

Disable heading numbers for a particular page

To disable numbering of the page, perform the following:

  1. Click the toggle button at the top right corner. The heading number is disabled.

2. Refresh the page to view the heading number.

Disable heading numbers for a particular space