BigGantt JiraCloud Release Notes 2021-08-02

Bug fixes

  • IllegalArgumentException: Edge would induce a cycle
  • UT, maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000
  • Error. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Aggregate cannot be restored due to rejected events. Please contact with SoftwarePlant Support
  • Change SecurityUserPermissionsChangedEvent to bulk event


The Jira server didn't understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that it's correctly formed. If you entered an issue key, ensure that it exists and you have permission to view it.

The Jira server didn't understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that it's correctly formed. If you entered an issue key, ensure that it exists and you have permission to view it.

Bug fixes list

Use "Incognito mode" to open below tickets and find out the details.

type key summary priority

Known issues

type key summary priority