Support for Atlassian Server Products (and apps like BigPicture) has ended in February 2024.

Are you planning a migration to Cloud? Make sure you don't lose your BigPicture data/configurations in the process. Check out this page for information on how to migrate BigPicture's data to Cloud. If you have any questions please email

BigGantt JiraCloud Release Notes 8.10.0

CategoryFeature descriptionSneak peek
Task structure

When more than one link-based structure builder is active, you are prompted to select which link should be created (when you are making changes to the task tree). 


Filter boxes based on the value of the following columns:

  • Budget
  • Actual cost/ Estimated cost
  • Description
  • Custom columns

Note: you can only filter using currently visible columns

New build-in field

Outline level

Outline level displays a level of a parent on which a task is 


Gantt chart navigation 

When using a touchpad, you can scroll vertically and horizontally at the same time.