BigPicture JiraCloud Release Notes 8.8.0

CategoryFeature descriptionSneak peek
Keyboard shortcuts 

Gantt: New keyboard shortcuts

Jump between the top and bottom of your chart and likewise move tasks in no time

Thanks to the new keyboard shortcuts, you can jump and move tasks to the top (cmd/ctrl+shift+↑) or bottom (cmd/ctrl+shift+↓) of your chart in a blink of an eye. No more “endless” scrolling!

Risks module

Risk probability and risk consequence - drag-and-drop customization of the matrix

The order of values for the probability and consequence fields can be changed using the drag and drop mechanism.

Change log - saving risk settings

Changes made to the probability and consequences fields' position are listed in a change log and can be reviewed before the new configuration is saved.

Warning - task could not be moved

When a risk field hasn't been configured in Risks Administration, you can't use the drag-and-drop mechanism to move a risk. Contact your Jira admin regarding the configuration. 


Probability and Consequence axis - the same field cannot be mapped to both axis

Resources module 

User can't edit task - reason displayed

  • When a task can't be edited, the reason is provided in the tooltip

    • missing permissions
      • in integration (connected tool) Jira (a user doesn't have sufficient Jira permissions to edit tasks) 
      • in a box (a user is a viewer only - can't edit tasks)
    • The box is closed or archived
      • the box you're in is closed/archived
      • you are in a portfolio box but one of its children is closed/archived (the resources module of the portfolio aggregates tasks from all child boxes)
    • show overall assignment - a task from a different box (overall assignment shows all tasks assigned to a resource. Tasks in the scope of the box you are in can be edited normally. Tasks assigned to the resource in other boxes can't be edited)