Simple Space Publishing Workflow

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Simple Space Publishing workflow

requires v4.3.0+

com.comalatech.workflow.repository.categories.label: Bundled|Document Management|General


This workflow requires the Comala Publishing App

A simple approvals workflow

  • two states

    • Draft

    • Published

  • staff edit pages, an approval is required to publish the page to the configured Comala Publishing public space to become visible to all

Visibility of published content is managed in the public space using the Confluence permissions in that space.

Simple Space Publishing Workflow Markup
{workflow:name=Space Publishing Approval Workflow|key=com.comalatech.sample.publishing.01} {description} Simple approvals workflow with two states (Draft and Published). Staff edit pages, an approval is required to publish the page to the configured public space to become visible to all.{description} {state:Draft|approved=Published|taskable=true} {approval:Review|assignable=true} {state} {state:Published|updated=Draft|hideselection=true} {state} {trigger:pagestatechanged|state=Published} {publish-page} {trigger} {trigger:newsstatechanged|state=Published} {publish-page} {trigger} {workflow}