Read confirmation in Quality Management Systems workflow

Enabling read confirmation in the workflow

Edit the workflow using workflow builder to enable or disable read confirmation in the workflow.

By default, read confirmations are added every time an Approve decision transition to the final state occurs.

Allowing reviewers to request read confirmation

The workflow read confirmation can be configured to allow reviewers to choose to add a read confirmation to the final state.

 If applied, a Request read confirmation option for reviewers will be added to the final review state workflow popup.

Read confirmation will be added on the Approve decision transition to the final state, Published, from the In Approval state.

In the final state, readers can be edited through the read confirmation popup.

Users specified in the QMS workflow as readers will also be added to the read confirmation in the final state.

Workflow added read confirmation readers

Read confirmation in the QMS workflow can be configured to specify one or more users or groups of users to add as readers to the read confirmation. Users are assigned to a read confirmation using workflow parameter values.

On the addition of the workflow to the content, a user is prompted to enter the values for the workflow parameters (with separate parameters for the reviewers and for the read confirmation readers).

The values of the ReadConfirmationUsers and the ReadConfirmationGroups workflow parameters are added to the final state read confirmation.

If the requested read confirmation is enabled, the users will be added on every Approve decision transition to the final state if not already present from an earlier requested read confirmation.