Read confirmation in the Content Expiry workflow

Enabling read confirmation in the Content Expiry workflow

Edit the workflow using workflow builder to enable or disable read confirmation in the workflow.

Read confirmation will be added on an Approve decision transition from a review state to the final state, Approved.

  • in the final state, readers can be edited through the read confirmation popup.
  • in the Rejected state, users will also be able to access the read confirmation popup if a read confirmation is active (from a previous approved transition to the final state).

By default, workflow read confirmations are added every time an Approve decision transition to the final state occurs.

Content Expiry workflow read confirmation configuration

Read confirmation in the Content Expiry workflow can be configured to enable reviewers' choice in the final review state approval to add a requested read confirmation to the final state.

Request read confirmation option in the workflow popup is available for the reviewer.

If Request read confirmation is unchecked, no read confirmation is added to the final state.