Remote Publishing 4.1.0 Release Notes

Remote Publishing for Comala Document Management 4.1.0

Update: Please note we are working towards releasing a Data Center version of Remote Publishing.  Expected in May 2020.


Remote Publishing 4.1.0 is a minor feature release.


Install through the Universal Plugin Manager or download from Atlassian Marketplace and install Remote Publishing by uploading the add-on jar in the Universal Plugin Manager.

Comala Document Management required to be installed

 Remote Publishing for Comala Document Management requires the Comala Document Management app to be installed to trigger the publishing to remote sites.

What's New

  • This release is compatible with Confluence Data Center readonly mode as a first step towards full Data Center compatibility.  This will prevent changes to publishing settings when read-only mode is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue when introducing a remote instance settings whose name contains certain characters like "&" or "?"