Remote Publishing 4.0.0 Release Notes

Remote Publishing for Comala Document Management 4.0.0


This is our first paid commercial release of Comala Remote Publishing for Document Management.


Install through the Universal Plugin Manager or download from Atlassian Marketplace and install Remote Publishing by uploading the add-on jar in the Universal Plugin Manager.

Comala Document Managament required to be installed

 Remote Publishing for Comala Document Management requires the Comala Document Management app to be installed to trigger the publishing to remote sites.

What's New

Paid License Update

This release of Remote Publishing for Comala Document Management changes the app from being a free commercial license to a paid one.  In order to be eligible for updates and on-going maintenance, you must purchase a paid license through the Atlassian Marketplace. 

Relaunching as a paid app will allow the Comalatech team to continue supporting and improving the app. It also ensures that our team can continue to update the app to be compatible with newest releases of Confluence.