Page Mode


In page mode, workflows are applied on a page-by-page basis, so each page has its own unique workflow template

  • end-users choose which workflow to apply to an individual page or blog post 

  • the workflow template selected by the user is cloned to a page, the original template is unchanged

  • user changes to the workflow added to a page only affect the page it s used on

  • the updated workflow can be saved as a new space or global workflow template (if the user has space or global admin permissions)

  • an active space workflow is applied even if a page workflow has been previously applied to a page or blog post

Page mode application of workflow is great for development, testing and training, but it is difficult to manage!

How do I enable page mode?

If enabled, a user can add a workflow to an individual page.

  • page workflows for content in the space must be enabled by Confluence global administrators

  • the individual user needs at least view and edit permission for the page to add a page workflow

The Add Workflow option is only displayed in the page action menu if there are no space mode workflows active in the space and applied to the page.