Edit Workflow - Page Tools
Robert Alexander Marshall
Use this feature to inspect and edit your workflow.
These page tools menu options are only available in page mode.
In space mode, workflows can only be edited in the space tools Document Management dashboard or the Global Workflows Templates dashboard.
Opening the editor
To edit in workflow builder:
- choose Page tools → Edit with Workflow builder to open the workflow builder.
To edit using the workflow markup editor:
- choose Page tools → Edit with Markup.
The Markup editor contains your workflow macro markup.
You can also toggle between workflow builder and the markup by selecting one the appropriate icon in each editor.
Changes made in either editor will be reflected when you toggle between workflow builder and the markup editor.
Be aware that some markup may not be currently supported by the workflow builder. If this occurs an on-screen warning will be displayed prior to confirmation of the decision to switch between the editors.
Workflow states
In workflow builder you will initially see two panels:
- the navigator panel with a flowchart of the states and transitions in your workflow.
- the workflow panel with the name of the workflow and a list of the states.
The workflow panel display will change to allow editing of the overall workflow or chosen individual states. Transitions and approvals can be added in workflow to individual states.
For details of editing the workflow using the macro editor please see workflow macros.
Workflow triggers
If your workflow defines one or more triggers, you will see these summarized as Rules in the workflow panel. Currently triggers must be added to workflow builder as markup.
For more information on adding, removing and editing states and triggers see Workflow builder and workflow macros.