on-assign event


Use the on-assign event in a workflow trigger to listen for a reviewer assignment event and execute one or more trigger actions.

By including a trigger condition, the assignment event in a workflow trigger can be constrained to listen for the approval event in a named state in the workflow, the workflow final state, or the initial state.

Example “on-assign" event

"triggers": [ {"event": "on-assign", "conditions": [ {"state":"Review"} ], "actions": [   {"action": "send-email", "recipients": [ "@creator", "@watchers", "@lastUpdatedBy", ], "notification": {"subject": "${content.title} has been assigned in the Review state", "title": "${content.title} is assigned", "body": "Hello, ${content.link} in the ${content.space} space is in approval state Review and has been assigned"}} ]} ]

The trigger action causes an email to be sent to the page author, page watchers, and the user who last updated the page.

  • "actions":[{ "action":"send-email", ......}],

The trigger action occurs on the "on-assign" event but ONLY if the current state is the Review state

  • "conditions":[{"state":"Review"}],

Trigger events