on-expire event

Example “on-expire" event

"triggers": [ {"event": "on-expire", "actions": [ {"action": "change-state", "state": "Review"}, {"action": "set-message", "type": "warning", "title": "Stale content", "body": "Content has passed its set life and may be out of date" } ]} ]

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder visual editor, there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation; it is added automatically by workflow builder.

The on-expire event only listens for a workflow expiry event.

Each event can include

The trigger event must include at least one trigger action.

There are two actions in the above example

  • the "change-state" action to transition the workflow to the Review state and

  • "set-message" notification action

If a trigger action is present, it can include one or more conditions. If no conditions are added, the trigger listens for an expiration event for any state.

Trigger events