Reviewing Content


A content review (or approval) allows users to focus on Approving or Rejecting the content of a page or blog post.

In the Comala Document Approval app content reviews are required in the following states

Each content review is specific to a state in the approval workflow. A user must have Confkuence edit permission for the page or blog post to undertake a review decision.

The content review for a state is displayed in the approval workflow popup.

Content reviews are characterized by two buttons, "Approve" and "Reject".

When no user is assigned as a reviewer, choosing Approve or Reject automatically transitions the page or blog post to another approval state.

If there are no users assigned to the content review as reviewers any user with View or Edit or Admin permissions can undertake the content review (the approval). 

Assigning reviewers

Editors can use the Add reviewer option in the workflow popup to assign one or more users as a reviewers for the content review.

If there is a user assigned to the content review, only the assigned user can undertake the approval.

Once a user is assigned

  • only the assignee(s) can undertake the review (the Approve and Reject buttons are disabled for all users who are not assigned)

  • all assigned reviewers must undertake the review

Additional users can be assigned to the review if all existing assignees have not yet undertaken the review decision and the approval status has not changed.

When more than one user is assigned to the approval then all the assigned reviewers must agree for the content to be transitioned to the destination state.

If more than user is assigned, each user avatar is appended with the current decision - approved (tick); rejected (cross). Until all assignees agree, a reviewer can amend their decision.

Existing assignees who have not yet undertaken the review can be unassigned.