Workflow popup

Workflow popup


The workflow popup lets you keep track of every stage of the workflow, and page editors manage the documentation process.

The contents of the workflow popup change to reflect the current state of the workflow and the type of transition that is defined for the current approval state.

  • simply choose the current content state byline (state name) to open the workflow popup

Workflow popup - draft approval states

The Review and Rejected state in the approval workflow has a content review.

In the workflow popup

  • the content review is displayed with the decision buttons Approve and Reject

A user with Confluence edit permission for the page can undertake the review.

A user with edit permission can also assign one or more users as reviewers for the review using the Add Reviewer option.


The avatar of each assigned reviewer is displayed in the popup.

Once a reviewer is assigned

  • only the assignee(s) can undertake the review (the Approve and Reject buttons are disabled for all users who are not assigned)

  • all assigned reviewers must undertake the review and agree on the decision for the approval transition to occur

If more than one reviewer is assigned, each reviewer user avatar is appended with the current decision - approved (tick) and rejected (cross). Until all assignees agree, each reviewer can amend their decision.

Additional users can be assigned to the review if all existing assignees have not yet undertaken the review decision and the approval status has not changed.

Existing assignees who have not yet undertaken the review can be unassigned.

Workflow popup - approved state

The Approved state has no option to transition for the user to transition.


However, if the page content is updated while in the Approved state, the approval workflow transitions to the Review state.

The Approved state workflow popup includes a button to view the document activity report.

If the content is currently in a draft version (Review or Rejected state) and it has previously been in the Approved state, you can view the last approved version by using an additional breadcrumb added to the page - the View approved breadcrumb.

When viewing the last approved version, there is no access to the workflow popup. You must navigate back to the current version in a draft approval state using the View pending approval breadcrumb displayed when viewing the last approved version. See the Draft and Approved States page.