Set board properties

Board properties and properties toolbox options

The properties for a board are defined in Board properties dialogue box in the board editor.

The board properties are

The board properties toolbox icons are used to

  • set board alignment display

  • set board containers to match cell heights across a row or the whole board

  • display the board container descriptions on the published board

  • send notifications to page watchers of board changes

  • hide/display clear board option for users to clear the board of all cards

Edit the board properties

On a page with an existing board macro:

  • Edit the page

  • choose Edit the Comala Board macro

  • select the Board properties option in the drop-down menu board editor

Board properties can be edited using the tools, text entry, and checkbox options displayed in the Board properties dialogue box.

Board Properties


Board Properties


Board name

This is the board name that appears on the page. 

Board description

Description of the board contents and use. 

Supported card types 

Define if containers accept cards, card-pages, or both.

At least one type must be enabled.  Both types can be enabled for the board.

Cards belong to the board. Pages (page cards) are linked to Confluence pages. Pages must be enabled for the board to convert a card to a page card

Template for new pages

Boards can have a page template specified in their configuration which will be used when a page-card has been created from the board.

The template is applied when creating a new page or converting an existing card to a page

Limitations when using templates

  • templates with variables are not currently supported

  • If a card has a title and a content body the page template is not be applied during card to page conversion.

  • Cards whose body contains wiki-markup must be converted to Confluence editor format manually

Maximum card load per container

Drop down option to set the maximum number of cards and pages visible inside a board container.

The user viewing the board is given the option to view more.

Properties toolbox icons


The alignment of the board on the page.

Board is left-aligned by default.

Option buttons to set board alignment as

  • left-aligned (default)

  • center-aligned

Match cell heights

Choose to match cell heights.

Option buttons to match cell heights

  • across a row

  • across the whole board

Container descriptions

Whether or not board container descriptions are displayed.

Card multi-line text display

When selected, multi-line text is displayed within a card.


If selected, page watchers receive notifications when board contents change. 

Hide/Display Clear Board option

Toggle button to hide/display on the page the Board Name dropdown menu option for users to clear a board of all cards.


Working with the Board Editor