How to add a stage to a plan with Bamboo Command Line Interface (CLI)

This article explains how to add a stage to a plan with Bamboo Command Line Interface (CLI).


Use addStage action to add a stage in a Bamboo plan. Each new plan created in Bamboo contains at least one stage and is named as Default Stage. For this instance, let's add a stage, Execute stage, in the plan, MKTES-P.

Execute the following command to add a stage to a plan:

--action addStage --plan "MKTES-TP" --name "Execute stage" --description "Stage for the execution"

The parameters used with the action are:

  • --plan value refers to the plan key.
  • --description value refers to the stage description.
  • --name value refers to the name of the stage.

It is recommended to test the command in a non-production environment before running in productionor, run the action with --simulate parameter to verify the behaviour before deploying.