Live sync

See changes in data without the need to refresh a page.

Turn on the live server communication system to enjoy brand-new features. With the live sync, your data will be instantly updated when users update their tasks.

Data Live sync is available in the following elements:

  • Gantt

  • Scope

  • Board

  • Calendar

  • Resources

  • Online presence

  • Markers

All the modules show who is currently using the tool.

Security and Access

  • Only Jira administrators can access this page.

  • Click the "wrench" icon at the top right and select "General" from the drop-down list. Next, go to the "Live sync" tab.

Live Sync on Gantt module

Remote work or global planning sessions always require an up-to-date data set. Enable this feature, and changes to your tasks made by other team members will be instantly visible. When one of the task's fields is updated, the change will be indicated by highlighting the updated field value presented in Gantt's task lists, and the task will be moved accordingly if the start/end date synchronized fields are updated.

You can set the live sync interval to 1 second as a minimum.

Live Sync on Scope module

Live Sync on Board module

Enable this feature and watch instantly how the planned tasks move between iterations. Read more about the live sync on the Board module.

Live Sync on Resources module

Balance individual and team workloads by seeing all changes in tasks and capacity without the need to refresh the page.

Live Sync on Calendar module

Enable the live sync for the Calendar module and set the sync interval.

Online Presence

Your teammates' avatars appear at the top of the page.

Live Sync on Markers

Markers are crucial to follow up on. Enable this feature and stay up-to-date with every vital event marked using the Gantt or Calendar modules. To learn more, go to the Markers page.