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    abs — Returns the absolute value of a number. The absolute value of a number is the number without its sign.
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    addComment — Posts a comment on the specified page or adds a reply to the specified comment.
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    addGroupToContentPermission — Adds a selected group to a content permission (usually to a page permission) if the group is not in that permission already.
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    addGroupToSpacePermission routine — Adds a given group to a space permission if the group is not in that permission already.
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    addLabels — Adds one or multiple labels to a given page.
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    addMonths — Adds a number of months to a specified date, preserving the day of month where possible.
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    addUserToContentPermission — Adds a single user to a content permission if the user is not already in that permission.
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    addUserToGroup — Adds a single user to a group if the user is not in that group already.
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    addUserToSpacePermission routine — Adds a single user to a space permission if the user is not already in that permission.
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    addWebhookResponseHeader — Adds an HTTP header to the response that will be returned to the Webhook caller.
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    admActivateUser — Activates a user, setting its active flag to 'true', if the update is allowed.
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    admAddSpaceCategory — Adds a category in the space.
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    admArchiveSpace — Archives a space (takes a space key as a parameter).
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    admClearCache — Clears the internal cache.
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    admCloneSpace — Clones space with pages, labels, categories, attachments, permissions and look and feel.
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    admCreateGroup — Create a single group to a project role if the group does not already exist.
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    admCreateSpace — Creates a new space, optionally offering support for the category of the space.
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    admCreateUser — Creates a new user.
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    admDeactivateUser — De-activates a user (sets its active flag to 'false' or removes it from all groups associated to global login permissions).
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    admDeleteSpace — Permanently deletes a space from Confluence.
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    admDeleteSpaceCategory — Deletes a category from the space.
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    admGetSpace — Returns an instance of CSpace struct, takes a space key as a parameter.
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    admGetSpaceCategories — Returns the space categories (all).
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    admGetSpaceCategory — Returns a space category by name (takes a space key and space category as parameters).
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    admGetSpaceLayout — Returns a layout - a list of custom decorators defined for a specific space only (does not retrieve global decorators).
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    admGetSpaces — Takes a category name and returns an array of spaces (CSpace structs) in that category.
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    admGetSpaceStylesheet — Returns the custom stylesheet that has been stored against a space.
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    admSetSpaceLayout — Creates a decorator for the given spaceKey with the given name, and saves it.
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    admSetSpaceStylesheet — Adds a space stylesheet to customize the look and feel of a single space within Confluence.
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    admSpaceExists — Returns 'true' if space with provided key exists and 'false' otherwise.
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    admUnarchiveSpace — Unarchives a space (takes a space key as a parameter).
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    admUpdateSpace — Updates the space properties (takes space key and an instance of CSpace struct as parameters).
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    appendToWebhookResponse — Adds an object to the response that will be returned to the Webhook caller, as the HTTP body.
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    arrayAddElement — If elem is an element of the array type, returns a new array that includes the specified element at the end.
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    arrayAddElementIfNotExist — If elem is an element of the array type, returns a new array that includes the specified element at the end. The element is added only if it is not already in the array.
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    arrayDeleteElement — If elem is an element of the array type, returns a new array without the specified element.
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    arrayDeleteElementAt — If index is less than the array size, returns a new array without the element at the specified index.
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    arrayDiff — Difference between two arrays. Returns the elements from the first array that do not exist in the second array.
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    arrayElementExists — Returns "true" if the element exists in the array and "false" otherwise.
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    arrayFind — Finds an element inside the collection and returns its index. If the element is not found, it returns -1.
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    arrayFindBinary — Binary search on sorted array. If the element is not found, returns -1.
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    arrayGetElement — Returns the element at the specified index.
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    arrayIntersect — Intersect between two arrays.
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    arrayKeys — Returns the keys of the array.
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    arrayKeySort — Sorts the elements from an array by their keys. Works with keyed arrays only.
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    arraysConcat — Adds the elements of the second array to the first one.
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    arraySetElement — If elem is an element of the array type, returns a new array with the specified element on position index1.
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    arraySize — Returns the size of the given array.
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    arraySort — Sorts the elements from an array.
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    arrayStructMap — Returns an indexed array of structs mapped to a given field name.
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    arrayStructSort — Sorts the elements from an array by their specified field. Works only with arrays that contain structures.
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    arrayToSet — Converts an array to a set of unique elements.
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    arrayUnion — Union between two arrays.
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    attachFile — Adds an attachment to a selected page.
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    attachFileFromURL — Adds an attachment located on an URL path to a selected page.
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    base64Decode — Decodes from Base64. This is useful when transferring data like retrieving images stored in a database.
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    base64Encode — Encodes text in Base64.
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    bitwise_and — Takes two numbers as operands and does AND on every bit of two numbers.
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    bitwise_lshift — Takes two numbers, left shifts the bits of the first operand, the second operand decides the number of places to shift.
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    bitwise_not — Takes one number and inverts all bits of it.
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    bitwise_or — Takes two numbers as operands and does OR on every bit of two numbers.
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    bitwise_rshift — Takes two numbers, right shifts the bits of the first operand, the second operand decides the number of places to shift.
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    bitwise_rushift — Takes two numbers, right shifts the bits of the first operand.The vacant leftmost position is filled with 0 instead of the sign bit.
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    bitwise_xor — Takes two numbers as operands and does XOR on every bit of two numbers.
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    blogExists — Verifies whether a given blog is a registered Confluence blog.
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    chop — Returns nmb characters from str, starting with the leftmost character.
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    clonePage — Clones the page and returns the id of the cloned page.
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    clonePageTree — Clones the page tree with its permissions.
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    comalaActivateSpaceWorkflow — Activate workflow in space.
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    comalaGetPageWorkflow — Returns the workflow that is set on a specified page.
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    comalaGetSpaceWorkflows — Returns a list of workflows that exist in the selected space.
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    comalaGetState — Gets the workflow state of the page from the Comala Document Management add-on.
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    comalaLoadWorkflowToPage — Sets workflows to the page according to a given markup.
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    comalaLoadWorkflowToSpace — Sets workflows to the space according to a given markup.
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    comalaRemoveAllWorkflowsFromSpace — Removes all workflows that exist in the selected space.
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    comalaRemoveWorkflowFromPage — Removes workflow of the selected page.
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    comalaRemoveWorkflowFromSpace — Removes the selected workflow that exists in the specified space.
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    comalaSetState — Sets the workflow state of the page using the Comala Document Management add-on.
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    contains — Returns true if character expression str2 is in character expression str1.
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    copyAttachment — Copies an attachment from one page to another.
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    copyAttachmentById — Copies the attachment for the provided id from one page to another.
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    copyPageContent — Copies page content from one page to another.
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    countBlogs — Returns the number of blogs contained in the selected space.
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    countPages — Returns the number of pages that matched the CQL search query.
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    createBlog — Creates a blog based on the provided arguments.
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    createDirectory — Returns "true" if the directory was created successfully and "false" otherwise.
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    createFile — Creates an empty file.
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    createPage — Creates an issue based on the provided arguments.
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    currentDate — Returns the current date.
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    currentUser — Returns the key for the user that invoked the script.
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    currentUserFullName — Returns the full name (firstname, lastname) of the user that triggered the script.
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    currentUserName — Returns the user name (login) for the user that invoked the script containing currentUserName.
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    day — Returns a number representing the day of month: 1-31.
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    dayOfWeek — Returns the day of week.
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    decrypt — Decrypts text with AES Decryption using a 16, 32, 64, or 128 bit cipher.
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    deleteAttachment — Deletes the attachment for a given id or for a specified page and file name.
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    deleteAttachmentVersion — Deletes the attachment version.
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    deleteBlog — Places the selected blog in the trash.
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    deleteComment — Deletes a comment with the specified id, deletes the latest comment or deletes all comments from a given page.
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    deleteFile — Deletes a file. It also returns "true" if the file was deleted successfully and "false" otherwise.
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    deletePage — Deletes the selected page.
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    deletePageTree — Deletes the selected page and all its child pages.
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    directoryExists — Returns "true" if the directory exists and "false" otherwise.
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    editComment — Edits a comment with the specified id and text. Returns the comment representation after the edit.
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    encrypt — Encrypts text with AES encryption using a 16, 32, 64, or 128 bit cipher.
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    endOfMonth — Returns a date set on the last day of the month for the given date.
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    endsWith — Returns true if str1 ends with str2.
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    escapeHtml — Escapes the given html removing traces of offending characters that could be wrongfully interpreted as markup.
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    excludeSubarray — Returns an array excluding the array that starts at index 'start' and ends at index 'end'.
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    executeTemplate — Executes a template. All variables already defined in the script are passed to that template.
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    fileClose — Closes a previously opened file and removes it from memory.
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    fileContains — Returns "true" if the file contains any string that matches the specified regex.
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    fileCopy — Copy a file from one location to another.
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    fileExists — Returns 'true' if the file exists and 'false' otherwise.
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    fileInfo — Returns basic file information about a file such as the date it was created.
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    fileMove — Moves a file from one location to another.
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    fileOpen — Opens a file in memory so that it may be read from.
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    fileRead — Reads a byte array from a file until it reaches the specified length or until the EOF is reached.
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    fileReadByte — Reads a byte from an open file.
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    fileReadLine — Reads a line of text from an open file until it reaches the end of the line (\n or \r\n). Stops also on EOF (end of file).
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    fileSeek — Moves the file pointer to a specific spot in an already open file. If the position is negative, moves the file pointer at the end of the file. If the position is 0 (zero) it moves the pointer at the beginning of the file.
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    fileSHA256Checksum — Returns the SHA256 checksum of the file.
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    fileSize — Returns the size for a given file.
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    fileTruncate — Clears the content of the specified file. Creates a new file if the one you want to clear content for doesn’t exist.
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    fileWrite — Writes text or byte data to an open file.
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    findDirectories — Searches for directories that match the given regex in the specified folder.
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    findFiles — Searches for files that match the given regex in the specified folder.
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    formatDate — Formats the given date into a date/time string accordingly to the given format expression.
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    getAllCommentIds — Gets all the comment IDs that are already entered on a page.
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    getAllGroups — Gets a list of all groups in Confluence.
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    getAllSpaces — Returns a string array with the keys of all spaces in Confluence.
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    getAttachment — Returns CAttachment with the following fields: id, pageId, spaceKey, version, creationDate, lastModificationDate, size, name.
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    getBlog — Retrieves a blog ID by searching for space key, blog title and posting date.
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    getBlogs — Returns all blogss of a space, by space key.
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    getBlogsInPeriod — Returns blogs of a space, by space key, date and period.
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    getBlogURL — Retrieves a blog URL by blog ID.
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    getChildPages — Get the list of child pages (direct children) for a selected page.
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    getCommentById — Gets all the comment properties for a given id.
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    getComments — Returns comments for a given page.
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    getConfluenceBaseUrl — This routine returns Confluence base url where the SIL script is called.
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    getLastComment — Gets all the comment properties for the last page comment.
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    getNewestBlog — Retrieves a newest blog ID for space, by space key.
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    getPage — Retrieves a page ID by searching for space key and page title. The routine will return a -1 if the page is not found.
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    getPages — Returns all descendants of a page (all levels, not only direct children) or a set of pages matching space key and title.
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    getPageURL — Returns the URL of the page.
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    getPersistentVar — Gets the persistent var, as a string
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    getScheduledJobKeys — Returns the list of scheduled jobs keys.
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    getScheduledJobKeysByScript — Returns the list of scheduled jobs keys by the path of the script they use and the optional parameter args.
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    getSpaceKeyByName — Retrieves the key for the space with the given name.
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    getUser — Gets the user by username or key.
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    getUserByEmail — Gets the user by email address.
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    getUserByFullName — Gets the user by their full name.
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    getUserDirectoryName — Returns the directory name the user belongs to (takes user name or key as a parameter).
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    getUserKeysFromEmails — Finds the corresponding user keys for a list of email addresses.
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    getUserProperty — Gets the specified user property.
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    getWebhookPayload — Gets the Webhook payload from the calling client.
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    groupExists — Verifies if the selected group is a registered Confluence group.
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    groupHasContentPermission — Checks if a group has the specified content permission.
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    groupHasSpacePermission routine — Checks if a group has the specified space permission.
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    groupSpacePermissions routine — Returns the permissions of the provided group in the space.
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    hashString — Returns a consistent hash to be used across systems.
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    hasUserProperty — Checks if the user has the given property set.
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    hour — Returns the hour of the provided date: 0-23.
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    httpBasicAuthHeader — Creates an HttpHeader object to be used as Authorization header for a Basic authentication of a user.
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    httpCreateCookie — Creates an HttpCookie object.
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    httpCreateHeader — Creates an HttpHeader object.
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    httpCreateParameter — Creates an HttpQueryParam object.
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    httpDelete — Executes an HTTP DELETE for a given URL using the specified HttpRequest object.
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    httpGet — Executes an HTTP GET for the given URL using the specified HttpRequest object.
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    httpGetResponseInfo — Retrieves the complete response information (if existing) from the latest HTTP routine call.
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    httpOptions — Executes an HTTP OPTIONS for the given URL using the specified HttpRequest object.
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    httpPatch — Executes an HTTP PATCH for the given URL using the specified HttpRequest object.
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    httpPost — Executes an HTTP POST for the given URL using the specified HttpRequest object.
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    httpPut — Executes an HTTP PUT for the given URL using the specified HttpRequest object.
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    i18nText — Returns the i18n text if the key can be resolved. Otherwise, the key itself will be returned.
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    indexOf — Returns the index of the first match of the str2 in str1 or -1 if str2 is nowhere to be found in str1.
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    isAlpha — Returns "true" if the provided argument str is a string containing only letters.
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    isAlphaNumeric — Returns "true" if the provided argument str is a string containing only letters and digits.
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    isAnyUserAuthenticated — Verifies if there is a logged in user.
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    isDigit — Returns "true" if the provided argument str is a string containing only digits.
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    isLower — Returns "true" if the provided argument stris a string containing only lowercase letters.
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    isNotNull — Checks if the provided variable is not null or has a value associated and returns true. Otherwise returns false.
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    isNull — Checks if the provided variable is null or has no value associated then returns "true", otherwise returns "false".
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    isNumeric — Returns "true" if the provided argument stris actually a number.
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    isUpper — Returns "true" if the provided argument str is a string containing only upper letters.
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    join — Returns the string obtained by concatenating all the strings from the array using the provided delimiter.
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    lastExceptionClass — Returns the class of a Java class exception when an error is thrown.
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    lastExceptionMessage — Returns the message of a Java class exception when an error is thrown.
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    lastIndexOf — Returns the index within a string of the last occurrence of the specified substring.
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    ldapUserAttr — Returns an array of the requested attribute.
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    ldapUserList — Returns an array of the requested attributes for all users matching the query.
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    ldapUserStruct — Returns an array of JLdapUserStruct representing all users matched by the query.
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    length — Returns the length of the provided string, 0 if the string is null or has no chars.
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    logPrint — Prints a message in the configured Jira logs on the specified level: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL.
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    matchEnd — Returns the position where the match ends or -1 if it doesn't match.
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    matches — Returns "true" if character expression string matches the regular expression regex.
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    matchReplace — Uses a regex expression to find and replace text within a string.
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    matchStart — Returns the position where the match starts or -1 if it doesn't match.
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    matchText — Returns the text matched or empty string if it doesn't match.
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    millisToDate — Converts milliseconds to a date.
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    millisToInterval — Converts milliseconds to a time interval.
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    minute — Returns the minutes of the provided date: 0-59.
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    month — Returns a number representing the month of the provided date (1-12).
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    monthName — Returns the month name of the provided date.
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    moveBlog — Moves the selected blog to a new space.
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    movePage — Moves the selected page to a new parent page.
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    pageExists — Verifies whether a given page is a registered Confluence page.
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    parseDate — Returns the parsed date according to the format you provided. If parse fails, it will return a null date.
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    permanentDeleteBlog — Permanently delete a given blog.
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    print — Returns the printable string in the application log.
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    printInFile — Prints in the specified file the provided value.
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    readFromBinaryFile — Read the text of a binary file.
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    readFromCSVFile — Reads the values from the CSV file, returning them to an array, of N rows * M columns values.
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    readFromTextFile — Read the text of the file.
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    removeAllGroupRestrictionsFromContent — Removes all group restrictions on the page for the selected group
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    removeAllUserRestrictionsFromContent — Removes all user restrictions on the page for the user
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    removeGroupFromContentPermission — Removes a single group from a content permission if the group is in that permission.
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    removeGroupFromSpacePermission routine — Removes a single group from a space permission if the group is in that permission.
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    removeUserFromContentPermission — Removes a single user from a content permission if the user is in that permission.
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    removeUserFromGroup — Removes a single user from a group if the user is in that group.
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    removeUserFromSpacePermission routine — Removes a single user from a space permission if the user is in that permission.
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    renameFile — Renames a file.
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    replace — Replaces the search_str string with replacement_str in str and returns the resulting string.
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    runJobAt — Runs a job at the specified date.
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