

Returns "true" if character expression string matches the regular expression regex.


Return Type

Boolean (true/false)


Example 1

wret = matches("This will return ?", ".*will.*"); print("Return " + wret);

Matches any string containing "will". Prints Return true

Example 2

wret = matches("This will return ?", "will"); print("Return " + wret);

Matches only the string "will ". Prints Return false

Example 3

wret = matches("This will return ?", ".*will[^\?]*\?"); print("Return " + wret);

Matches any string containing "will" and ending with a question mark. Prints Return true

  • As shown in Example 3, use double backslash (\) instead of a single backslash where needed.

  • For more information on regular expressions, see Oracle documentation.

See also