


Returns basic file information about a file such as the date it was created.


Return Type

String []

Returns an array containing the information about the file.


Example 1

string [] file = fileInfo("someFile.xlsx"); runnerLog("Path: " + file["absolutePath"]); runnerLog("Created Date: " + parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss", file["created"])); runnerLog("Created Date Long: " + formatNumber(file["createdLong"], "#####")); runnerLog("Last Modified Date: " + parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss", file["lastModified"])); runnerLog("Last Modified Long: " + formatNumber(file["lastModifiedLong"], "#####")); runnerLog("URI: " + file["uri"]); runnerLog("Directory: " + file["isDirectory"]); runnerLog("Symbolic Link: " + file["isSymbolic"]); runnerLog("Parent Folder: " + file["parent"]); runnerLog("Readable: " + file["canRead"]); runnerLog("Writable: " + file["canWrite"]); runnerLog("Executable: : " + file["canExecute"]);
Path: C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\JIRA_versions\silprograms\someFile.xlsx Created Date: 2020-10-13 13:05:49 Created Date Long: 1602608749593 Last Modified Date: 2020-10-13 13:07:50 Last Modified Long: 1602608870213 URI: /C:/Program Files/Atlassian/Application Data/JIRA_versions/silprograms/someFile.xlsx Directory: false Symbolic Link: false Parent Folder: C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\JIRA_versions\silprograms Readable: true Writable: true Executable: true

Example 2

Get all the attachments for an issue that were created during the current day. Assume the issue has the following attachments: Apple.jpg - created 2 weeks ago Banana.jpg - 1 hour ago Orange.jpg - created 1 week ago Strawberry.jpg - 4 hours ago

string [] attachmentsCreatedToday; for(string a in attachments) { string [] file = fileInfo(getAttachmentPath(key, a)); date created = parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss", file["created"]); if(created > startOfDay(currentDate())) { attachmentsCreatedToday += a; } } return attachmentsCreatedToday;

Results: Banana.jpg|Strawberry.jpg

1. It is recommended that you use forward slashes ( / ) for file paths. 2. If the file path contains a backslash replace it with two backslashes, otherwise you will get a syntax error.

See also


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