Flexible Layout

Flexible Layout

This part of Agile Cards' interface is only accessible for Jira Admins and Project Admins.

If you choose the Flexible Card Layout on "General settings" tab you will get a full control of placement and sizes of the issue fields.

This tab allows you to specify the layout of individual cards. Just use drag and drop to select the fields that you want to have displayed. And then define the individual fields' parameters.

Add fields

In order to add fields to the canvas first you have to find them on the list. The names of the fields on the list are the same as on your issue view screens. If your list is long or you have problems finding the field you are looking for, you can always use the search field. 

Once you find the field you are looking for, simply select it from the list and press the '+' button to add it to the canvas.

Design Canvas

The center of the screen is used by the cards' design canvas. It is here that you will be able to position, move and resize the individual fields' boxes. To move the field box, simply click it in the center and drag-and-drop it around the canvas. To resize the field box click on its border and drag-and-drop accordingly. The mouse cursor will change its shape to indicate whether you are over the border or over the center of the field box.

Each of the fields can also be deleted, moved to the front of the stack or to the back of the stack if required. Individual fields, as well as the canvas itself, are transparent in the printout (will come out white on a white paper print). To delete the field box click the "X" icon in its top right corner. The two adjacent icons allow for stack position control.

Select the "Print on both sides" to design both the front as well as the back side of the cards. The two tabs at the top of the canvas allow you to switch between the front and back views. If your canvas becomes cluttered or you want to reset the fields to their defaults click the "Delete all elements" or "Reset to defaults" links accordingly. 

Field properties

Each of the field boxes in the design canvas can be selected by a single mouse click. When selected, the field's properties can be changed in the right section of the screen.

Selecting the "Show label" check box will result in each field's content to be preceded with the actual field's name. You can also choose to display your own custom name for the field by providing a new label in the "Label" text box.

It is possible to define the font style as well as font size for each field's value as well as each field's label (if selected to be shown).

It is also possible to select the text alignment for the field label and value.

QR codes and KR codes

There are two special types of fields which you will find in the fields' list and on your templates: QR Codes and KR codes.

QR codes are a graphical representation of the URL. Most of the mobile devices come with a QR code scanner allowing the users to open even the complex URLs comfortably without the need of tedious address typing in the browser's address bar. QR codes available with Agile Cards will allow you to add a simple link to your issue page. So that in case you needed a quick look at some of the details which are not on the card itself you could use your mobile device to access Jira easily and fast.

KR codes are the special codes created by us to allow for the Agile Cards scanner to recognise multiple cards at the same time. Read this blog post on our web page to learn about how we developed this technology. KR codes are required if you want to use Agile Cards Scanner, but will not be useful if you decide to not scan your board. All the example templates available with Agile Cards 4.0.0 and later releases come with KR codes out of the box.


Have you configured all the aspects of your cards' look and feel? Great! It means you are ready to print them.

Not sure? See what else you can configure.