Synchronizing physical and digital boards

Synchronizing physical and digital boards

You can use Agile Cards to print issues and use them for your physical task board or for any other purpose you may need. But Agile Cards also provides a way to synchronize the physical world back with the digital boards in Jira.

In order for the synchronization to work, your physical boards need to be equipped with additional QR and KR codes readable by the synchronization algorithm. You can read about KR codes in one of our blog posts: The Dots and Squares of Agile Cards.

In order to use Agile Cards scanner first you need to set up your physical board. When ready you may synchronize the issue status or perform field value updates as well as rank order the tasks in your backlog automatically. Depending on your needs or preferences the synchronization process may be performed from your mobile device or a desktop computer.


Interested in Agile Cards scanner? Let's start with the physical board setup. Or you can jump directly to using Agile Cards synchronization.

If you have any comments or feedback related to our product please do not hesitate to contact us at Appfire Support Portal or support@appfire.com.

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