How can I use JMWE with Jira Cloud team-managed projects?

Jira Cloud’s team-managed projects use workflows with a significantly reduced scope and capability. This is due to project administration features being made available for users who aren’t Jira administrators.

While Jira Cloud team-managed projects cannot use JMWE conditions, validators, and post-functions in workflows, Jira administrators can configure other JMWE features, such as scheduled actions and event-based actions, to use with the project.


To use JMWE post-functions with a Jira Cloud team-managed project:

  1. As a Jira administrator, navigate to Apps > Jira Misc Workflow Extensions.

  2. Click on Scheduled Actions (for scheduling post-functions at set times) or Event-based Actions (for running post-functions after selected events, e.g., if an issue is created or transitioned).

  3. Create a Scheduled Action or Event-based Action.

    1. If creating a Scheduled Action, use project=PROJECT under the Scope > JQL expression, where PROJECT is the name of your team-based project.

    2. If creating an Event-based Action, use the search box in Scope > Project to select the team-based project.

  4. Configure the post-functions in either action to meet your requirements.

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