How to retrieve attributes from an Asset object field in Jira Cloud

While retrieving an Asset object from an Asset custom field in Jira is possible via the insightFieldValue custom Nunjucks filter, not all attributes of that Asset object can be returned with it. However, the filter returns the Asset object’s URL, so you can leverage Jira Cloud’s Asset API to obtain other object attributes.


Use the following script:

{% set assetURL = issue | insightFieldValue( "customfield_xxxxx", true ) | first | field("links.self") %} {{assetURL | callRest(options = { "auth": { "username": "your email address tied to your Atlassian account", "password": "your Atlassian API token value" } }) | field("attributes") | filter({"objectTypeAttributeId":"the object attribute ID"}) | field("objectAttributeValues") | first | field("value") }}

Parameters you need to update with your specific information:

  1. customfield_xxxxx: This should be the ID of the Asset custom field.

  2. username: The email address used to log in to your Atlassian account.

  3. password: The value of an Atlassian API token; you can generate a new token using the instructions at
    (Note: the token value is only visible immediately after generation).

  4. objectTypeAttributeId: The Asset object’s attribute ID. You can view the ID of the Asset attribute by selecting your Asset object from the list at and browsing the Attributes section.

For Jira Cloud APIs related to Assets you can use, please see