Copy the comment added during a transition to a text field.

This article explains how to get the comment added during a transition (on the transition screen) and set it to a text field using JMWE post-function.


  1. Navigate to the intended workflow and open it in Edit mode.

  2. Select the required transition.

  3. Select the Post functions tab and click Add post function.

  4. Add the post-function.

  5. Select the target issue and target field in Target issue(s) and Add field(s) respectively, and add the following template as Value for the added field:

    {{ context.comment.body }}

    In the below example, a field named “Dev” of type “Text Field (multi-line)” is added.


  6. Select the checkbox “Delay the execution of this post-function” under “Delayed execution” and select a delay of 3 seconds.

  7. Click Add

  8. Place the above JMWE post-function below the "Add a comment to an issue if one is entered during a transition" Jira built-in post-function.


  9. Publish your workflow.

When the transition is executed on a ticket, the comment added on the transition screen, if any, is copied to the field added in the above post-function.



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