TFS4JIRA Cloud Native | Azure DevOps field with images/ styled text is not displayed in Jira's custom field properly


Azure DevOps field that contains rich text or images is not displayed properly in the Jira multi-line or paragraph custom field type.

Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 20.55.41.png
TFS4JIRA Field Mapping
Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 20.37.03.png
Azure DevOps Workitem View


Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to → Project settings → Fields → Click on the pencil to editthe Field Configuration

  1. Look for the desired Jira custom field → On the Action column

  1. Then click on ‘Renderers’ → Make sure the Active Renderer for this field is 'Wiki Style Renderer’ and then Click Update.



  1. After making this change, navigate to the Azure DevOps field and initiate the synchronization again by updating the same field. You should now observe the rich text in the Jira field.