The license could not be verified: License Certificate has expired!


Confluence dsiplays the following error message in the dashboard and/or on some pages.

The license could not be verified: License Certificate has expired!


Although the error appears to imply that the Confluence license has expired, it may have actually been generated from one of the Appfire apps that are currently installed in your Confluence instance.
For example, the Scaffolding app may generate this message:

But the message could also be related to a different app, for example, the Appfire Visibility app.


Check the license status for the add-ons by going to Confluence Admin > Manage Add-ons and check for possible expired licenses.

An expired license for any Appfire app, can be renewed by visiting the Atlassian Marketplace.

If you require help regarding your license, please contact our support team via the Appfire support portal.