JMWE Data Center: Copy "Elements Connect" field to Custom Select Field

The following How-To Article explains the procedure for configuring the Elements Connect custom field to be used on a JMWE post-function and copied to another Custom Select Field.

The “Elements Connect” field is created with the following app:



Step-by-step guide:

  1. Configure the “Elements Connect” custom field correctly.

The configuration wizard looks like the following:

The information the “Elements Connect” custom field will have depends on the value set on the “Template” section. If the information available on the field is a custom field, the value should be the following:

  1. Configure the JMWE post-function.

The post function used for this case is a Set Issue Fields post function

The app returns the following value when working with this type of field:

Based on the above, the post-function (Set Issue Field) should be configured as follows:


Replace 11100 above with the ID of “Elements Connect Field”

  1. Evaluate the results.

  • “Elements Connect Field” (custom field configured on the Elements Connect third-party app)

  • “Elements Related Field” (field set using JMWE)

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