Bulk push to Salesforce using the "Push to Salesforce" post function.


Besides the bulk push option(which is limited to 100 issues per push), there is a workaround using the Post function “Push to Salesforce.”

This is useful when the Auto push has failed and the values between Jira and Salesforce are out of sync.

This workaround relies on two things:

  1. A status to a new transition.

  2. Setting the Post function in the Transition.

You can use any transition, but a new status allows you to secure the transition to a set of people.

  1. Create a new Status

  2. Name it Salesforce Bulk Push, for example (limit to only a set of people if needed)

  3. Set the post function (push to salesforce) in the transition to that status

  • Status with ALL transition

  • Add the Post Function (make sure it's the last one):

  • Now bulk move issues to that status.

Limit the bulk push to 1,000 records at a time to avoid overwhelming the API.

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