Display the count of linked issues for an epic on the Rich Filters results gadget

This article explains how to use a global automation rule to display the count of linked issues for epics in a Rich Filters results gadget.


In this example, the linked issues are from various projects and are linked to the epic issue key by the following link type:

is a child to (the other direction is the parent of).

  1. Create a custom Number Field:

    • In Jira, create a custom Number Field named Number Field 1 and add it to the respective project’s screen.

    • This field stores the count of linked issues.

  2. Create a global automation rule:

    • Because this process involves two or more projects, configure a global automation rule.

    • The automation rule fetches the count of linked issues and updates the number field: Number Field 1 for each epic issue key.

  3. Configure the automation rule:

    • Configure the rule as follows:

      When: Issue updated
      If: Issue matches JQL → provide the JQL: issuetype = Epic
      Then: Lookup Issues → provide the JQL: issue in linkedIssues({{issue.key}}) AND project = <project-key> AND type = "<issuetype>"
      And: Edit issue field → choose Number Field 1 and set the value as: {{lookupIssues.size}}


    • Publish the automation rule.

  4. Trigger the rule:

    • Update any epic issue field to see the custom number field (Number Field 1) update with the count of linked issues.

  5. Add the number field to the RF:Views:

    • Add Number Field 1 to the Rich Filter: Views.

      • You can rename the field if necessary.

    • Also, add the Linked Issues field to the Views.

      • This step is optional.

  6. Refresh and verify the results:

    • Refresh the Rich Filter: Results gadget to reflect the new data.
