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This routine is available starting with SIL Engine™ 2.5.8.


admCreateProject(pkey, pname, description, lead, url, categoryName, defaultIsUnassigned, avatarId)

Starting with version 3.1.0

admCreateProject(pkey, pname, description, lead, url, categoryName, defaultIsUnassigned, avatarId, projectTypeKey)


Creates a new project, optionally offering support for category of the project

Creates the project and configures it with the default security level, default workflow scheme, etc.


Parameter name




 pkeystringyesProject key
pnamestringyesProject name.
descriptionstringyesProject description.
leadstringyesRepresents a valid user that should be assignable on the project.
urlstringyesURL of the project. Leave blank if no URL is available.
categoryNamestringyesName of the category.
defaultIsUnassignedbooleanyesSet it to 'true' if you don't want to assign issues to the project lead above.
avatarIdnumericyesSet it to a negative number or zero for the default avatar id. Otherwise, you need to choose a valid avatar id.

Set the project type key. If it is not set, the default value is "business".

This routine will not work for Service Desk project type.

Return type


Returns 'true' if the project was created and 'false' if not.


Example 1

admCreateProject("T3", "Thunderbolt3", "Three thunderbolts in a single hole", "zeus", "http://thunderbolts.olimpus.gr", "PUBLIC", false, 0);

Example 2

admCreateProject("T3", "Thunderbolt3", "Three thunderbolts in a single hole", "zeus", "http://thunderbolts.olimpus.gr", "PUBLIC", false, 0, "business");

Duplicates projects

It doesn't check if a project with the same key or name already exists. So far, Jira controller code allows the project version creation action.

You will need permissions to create a project.

See also