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The availability of the users personal data may be impacted by the recent changes by Atlassian in order to meet GDPR compliance. See the following for more information:
This routine is available starting with katl-commons 4.0.0.
This routine is available for Jira server and cloud deployment options.
Returns the last changes details for all the fields touched by user (array of JFieldChange) from the selected issue's history.Parameters
Parameter name | Type | Required | Description |
issue key | String | Yes | Key of the selected issue. |
Return type
JFieldChange []
The return value is an array of structures documenting what the user has changed on the issue.
JFieldChange [] changes = lastIssueChanges("TEST-10"); for(number i = 0; i < size(changes); i++) { runnerLog("U:" + changes[i].user + " Field:" + changes[i].field + " Val:" + changes[i].oldVal + " -> " + changes[i].newVal); }
See also