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  • This routine is available starting with katl-commons 4.0.7.
  • This routine is available for Jira server and cloud deployment options.


deleteComment(commentId_or_mode [, issue])

New Parameter

Starting with sil engine, "dispatchEvent" parameter was added. It allows to trigger or not the issue comment deleted event. (Just for Server)

deleteComment(commentId, dispatchEvent)


deleteComment(mode, issue, dispatchEvent)


Deletes a comment with the specified id, deletes the latest comment or deletes all comments from a given issue.


Parameter name





Number or String


Either the comment id (if we use the routine with only one parameter) or one of the next, otherwise:
- "DELETE_LATEST" to delete the latest comment for the given issue
- "DELETE_ALL" to delete all the comments for the given issue

issue key


No for Jira server

Yes for Jira cloud

IssueKey. Should be used only if the mode is "DELETE_LATEST" or "DELETE_ALL"

On the server version, the issue key parameter is optional, while on the cloud version it is mandatory and the order of the parameters should be as follows:

(issueKey, commentId_or_mode)


If set to false, the issue comment deleted event will not be triggered. Default value is true.

This parameter is available just on the server version.

Return type


The number of comments deleted.


Example 1

return deleteComment("DELETE_ALL", "TEST-1");

Deletes all comments from "TEST-1" and returns the number of comments deleted.

Example 2

return deleteComment("DELETE_ALL", "TEST-1", false);

Deletes all comments from "TEST-1" and returns the number of comments deleted. The issue comment deleted event will not be triggered.

Example 3

return deleteComment("DELETE_LATEST", "TEST-2");

Deletes the latest comment from "TEST-2" and returns "1" because only one comment was deleted. If the comment cannot be deleted it will return "0".

Example 4

return deleteComment(12400);

Deletes the comment with id 12400 and returns "1" because only one comment was deleted.  If the comment cannot be deleted it will return "0".

Example 5

return deleteComment(12400, false);

Deletes the comment with id 12400 and returns "1" because only one comment was deleted.  If the comment cannot be deleted it will return "0". The issue comment deleted event will not be triggered.

See also