Examples - Entry Types
On this page
- text - existing support
- textarea
- radio button
- checkbox
- select
- select-multi - multiple value select
- integer
- integer-select - automatically generated integer choices
- float
- date
- output - display only
- hidden
- group - UI control
- values can be different from display text
- rows or entries per row can be specified
- option to make a field required
- integer, float, and date value validation with range checking
- group multiple fields on a line
- disable field
- more rows - initially not shown until user requested (enables basic and advanced parameters)
Horizontal radio button:
{run:replace=gender:M:Gender:radio::M:Male:F:Female} {run}
Vertical radio button with required selection
{run:replace=gender::Gender:radio-required:-1:M:Male:F:Female} {run}
Integer select
{run:autorun=true|replace= date::Date:group, year:2010:Year:integer-select:2000:2020, month:1:Month:integer-select:1:12, day:1:Day:integer-select-end:1:31} Date: $year/$month/$day {run}
Example markup
The following markup generates the first example image on this page
{run:autorun=true|heading=Heading text|prompt=Prompt text|titleRun=Submit|help=help page| replace= r1:choice value 2:Radio button horizontal:radio::choice value 1:choice text 1:choice value 2:choice text 2:choice value 3:choice text 3, g1::?Radio group:group, r2:choice value 1:Radio button vertical:radio:-1:choice value 1:choice text 1:choice value 2:choice text 2:choice value 3:choice text 3, r3:choice value 1:Radio button 2 rows:radio-end:2:choice value 1:choice text 1:choice value 2:choice text 2:choice value 3:choice text 3:choice value 4:choice text 4, r4:15:Radio button 5 per line:radio:-5:01::02::03::04::05::06::07::08::09::10::11::12::13::14::15::16::17::18::19, c1:choice value 3:Checkbox horizontal:checkbox::choice value 1:choice text 1:choice value 2:choice text 2:choice value 3:choice text 3, c2:'choice value 3,choice value 1':Checkbox vertical:checkbox:99:choice value 1:choice text 1:choice value 2:choice text 2:choice value 3:choice text 3, g2::Select group:group, s1:choice value 2:?Select:select::choice value 1:choice text 1:choice value 2:choice text 2:choice value 3:choice text 3, s2:'3,4':?Select multiple:select-multi-end::1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::9::10, t1:text value:Text:text, g3::Text area group:group, a1:5 lines (default):Text area:textarea, a2:'3 lines':Text area:textarea-end:3, g4::Numeric group:group, i1:100:Integer:integer, f1:-3.55:Float:float-end, g5::Date:group, d1:2010.01.01:?yyyy.MM.dd:date-end:::yyyy.MM.dd, o1:Output text:Output only:output, h1:hidden value:Hidden description:hidden}
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