Field types


The Replace field list (replace) parameter is a comma separated list of field descriptions. A field description is a colon separated list of entries that configure the field for display and replacement. Each field has a type and each type has a colon separated list of configuration entries. 

If you prefer to see an example before looking at the reference information, go to this example.

The base field configuration that is common to all field types. Position refers to the position within the colon separated list (position1:postion2:position3:position4: etc...). Blanks are valid. Optional fields do not need to be specified.

Field Types

TypeDescriptionAddition Positions
textText entry box
textareaMulti-line text area



Radio buttons


Entries per line

An alternative is to use a negative number for position 5 to indicate the number of entries per line.



Select list

Multiple select list




Text entry box with validation

Text entry box with validation

Select list


Bounds are inclusive - greater than or equal and less than or equal.


Both bounds must be specified and the difference must be less than 10000.

dateText entry box with validation


Bounds are inclusive - greater than or equal and less than or equal.

outputOutput text only
hiddenHidden field - does not show in table
groupPseudo field used for grouping of fields

Field Type Qualifiers

The field type (position 4) entry can be qualified by one or more of the following by appending the qualifier to the field type name.

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