Evaluations by App

This gadget is deprecated and it’ll be remove in December 2024


This gadget displays the app’s evaluations grouped by their status: Active, inactive or cancelled.

This data is retrieved from Atlassian Marketplace API, but some active statuses are generated based on the maintenanceStartDate field. This means that inactive and cancelled evaluations generate an active evaluation on their maintenance start date (that is when that evaluation was activated approx.)

A previous period of time is retrieved and compared with the selected one, so you can see how evaluations progress and the trends.


Name your gadget meaningfully, so everyone knows at a glance what it is about and when to use it. Fill out the rest of the fields as applicable, namely:


We are working on our growing catalog of and , but contact us you want us to expedite a specific one, visit our .


This gadget appears in the following dashboard: (see Atlassian Marketplace Partner).

See also

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